Advanced Care Group Identifies Suspicious Candidates with Vitay

Vitay has proven to be indispensable for Advanced Care Group of Companies, not only in streamlining reference checks as they scale, but also in facilitating employee feedback and assessing overall satisfaction within the organization.

Advanced Care Group specializes in offering highly qualified healthcare professionals to healthcare partners across diverse settings, including acute, residential, and community environments. The company upholds a steadfast commitment to utmost accountability and transparency, guided by a set of ethics and principles rigorously monitored and adhered to. Our goal is to provide top tier healthcare professionals to hospitals and nursing homes in need of additional staffing.

More than 30 Candidates checked on Vitay monthly
More than 93% of References completed question sets
24 hours average time for receiving references


Before using Vitay, Advanced Care Group of Companies conducted reference checks through phone calls and emails. Their primary challenge revolved around reaching the references which would take as long as a few weeks to respond. For applicants, many manual reminders were necessary to provide contact information of references, making it difficult to complete reference checks and hire. This resulted in a delay in providing health care partners with additional support leading to less-than-optimal health care outcomes, but also loss of revenues as the new health care professional was delayed in being posted to a job.

“We have a goal to automate as much as possible. There is great competition between employers to hire qualified health care professionals. Employers that can hire efficiently using automated methods are the businesses that acquire the needed talent. Fail points include losing time during hiring, especially with a high-volume company such as Advanced Care Group. With so many moving parts now happening automatically including Vitay’s U/I, it is efficient on our end as well as the potential employee, making this part of the process effectively magic.” – Chris Browning from Advanced Care Group


As Advanced Care Group of Companies pursues ambitious growth goals, streamlining their processes becomes increasingly vital, particularly given the volume of hiring they undertake. Vitay offers a seamless solution, empowering them to automate their reference check processes efficiently and effectively as they scale. This transition significantly reduced the manual tasks previously associated with reference checks, while providing enhanced visibility into the progress made with each candidate’s references.

“Due to the fraud detection feature of Vitay, we were able to identify a suspicious applicant due to “same IP address” warning flag in Vitay, of applicant and references. This resulted in further due diligence and a complaint being lodged by myself with the BC College of Nurses and Midwives to investigate this suspicious applicant. Eventually charges of impersonation and fraud resulted in imprisonment of this nurse who made international headlines for 67 criminal offences of this nature. She is now facing a long prison sentence in Canada. She was employed by a public sector employer at the time of her application with us. If the public sector employer had used Vitay for their reference checks with her, she would have been caught years sooner.” – CEO Kris Stewart, Advanced Care Group

“Before integrating Vitay to assess our staff’s satisfaction, the responses were very hit or miss. Since implementing Vitay, responses have been faster. The process is seamless: I receive alerts via email, access scores and comments directly within Vitay, and can easily download them.” – Donna from Advanced Care Group


Since implementing Vitay, Advanced Care Group of Companies has witnessed remarkable improvements in their reference check process. Previously, each reference check would take weeks to complete; excluding the time required for paperwork, missed calls and email tracking. However, with Vitay, the time needed to send out reference requests has become negligible, drastically reducing administrative burdens, and streamlining the entire process. This has resulted in extremely fast placements at health care sites and a significant growth in the companies’ revenues making them the 12th fastest growing company in Canada as of Q4 2023.

“Vitay is currently integrated into our tech stack for our Canadian division, and we’re looking forward to supporting our expansion into other countries as well. Ensuring uniformity across all our tech solutions is a top-level objective, aiming to standardize processes and minimize variations.” 

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