Here is a list of sample questions we found that help assess how a candidate has handled situations in the past to predict how they might behave in future scenarios related to the role. These questions help employers evaluate key soft skills, values, and personality traits that are crucial for success in the workplace. We intend for this to be a starting point for our customers to use and mold their own question sets based on their requirements
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Question Set Library
Behavioral Questions
- Describe a time you faced conflict within a team. How did you resolve it while fulfilling your responsibilities?
- Share an experience when you were under pressure at work. What was the situation, and how did you manage it?
- Tell me about a time a deadline was moved up unexpectedly. What actions did you take to meet the new timeline?
- Tell me about a time when you had to adapt quickly to significant changes in your work environment. How did you manage the transition?
- Can you give an example of a project that didn’t go as planned? How did you handle the situation?
- Tell me about a time you didn’t meet a client’s expectations. What happened, and how did you try to improve the situation?
- Describe your experience interacting with a difficult client or customer. How did you turn a negative experience into a positive one?
- How do you ensure a positive experience for clients when managing a large volume of work? What priorities do you set?
- Share a situation where you had to manage competing priorities with limited resources. How did you ensure successful outcomes?
- Describe a long-term project with multiple stakeholders. How did you manage tasks and timelines to meet deliverables?
- Describe a time when you had multiple projects with conflicting deadlines. How did you manage to meet these deadlines? What sacrifices did you make?
- Describe a time when you had to rely on written communication to initiate a project. How did you ensure your ideas were clear and understood by your team?
- Tell me about a time you persuaded a coworker or manager. What strategies did you use?
- Describe a successful presentation you gave. How did you prepare to ensure its success?
- What professional accomplishment are you most proud of, and what makes it stand out?
- Give an example of when you identified a problem at work. What steps did you take to resolve it?
- Describe a time when you had complete control over a task or project. What were the pros and cons of this responsibility? What was the result?
- Describe a time when a team member came to you with a problem that required your help. What did you do?
- Provide an example of a difficult decision you had to make with limited information. How did you approach it?
- Discuss a time you needed to give constructive feedback to a team member. How did you handle the conversation?
- Describe a project where you worked with individuals with differing styles or perspectives. How did you manage these differences and achieve the project goals?
- Tell me about a major setback you faced in a project. How did you address it and keep the project moving forward?
Need more Ideas? Check out our blog!
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